Read time: 30 seconds

We live in a world where everything is turning digital.

From the way we order food, book a car, organise a holiday or use government services.

At the same time, our communities are richly diverse. We all live in different places and have different backgrounds.

Using our toolkit

Digital things like websites and apps work best when they're created so everyone can use them.

Using this toolkit helps you create digital platforms and content that are accessible.

If you create something with accessibility in mind, the whole community benefits.

As you go, you'll also discover the importance (and many benefits) of human-centred design.

Video introduction

At only 1 minute 40 seconds long, this video provides a great overview of the toolkit:

  • Transcript: video introduction

  • Begin the journey

    Start thinking about how people might access and use your online service before you design, build or publish anything online:

    Next page: Diversity in Australia

    Page last updated: 22 June 2021